Andrew Seni is a partner and wealth advisor at Octavia Wealth Advisors. He oversees the firm’s proprietary investment platform and the models that Octavia directly manages for clients. Proficient at arranging details, Andrew also runs many of the financial plans created for clients. After an idea is discussed, he attends to the particulars and processes in order to ensure that everything is accomplished smoothly and effectively. As a financial advisor, Andrew focuses on retirement, financial planning, and wealth management. He develops personalized strategies for his clients, working to support their goals and treating them as family.
Before helping to found Octavia, Andrew spent more than 17 years as a financial consultant with Midwest Financial Partners. At Midwest, he specialized in financial, estate, and retirement planning.
Andrew earned a Bachelor of Science in corporate financial management and financial institutions from Ball State University in Indiana, finishing magna cum laude.
On the personal side
Andrew is married and has one school-aged daughter. He is a lifelong tennis player and even competed collegiately at Ball State.